Since the turn of the millenium, we have been given indie pop, electropop and many other pops, but pop, with all its stars and glitter, has run dry—Troy This, mythical lovechild of David Bowie and Tina Turner, is signed and working on his album in Sweden, plotting the death and rebirth of pop music.
A grand prediction? Yes, but hear it for yourself—the magical sound of a future star.
Troy This - American Dream (Happy Song)
(feat. Robyn)
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Listen closely—the chemistry between Troy and Robyn is a rare and beautiful thing. Troy encourages fans to download any of his music that's already available, while he works on his debut, so here's a bonus track!
Troy This - One Day
Download MP3 or Listen on MySpace
VIA The Burning Ear VIA Ohh! Crapp...
Troy This on MySpace
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