I am not above sharing my guilty pleasures. Kesha, fake-blonde pop singer/crunk bitch and possible The Hills reject, says of her new single, “Mick Jagger might be my dad. fo realz. ....I play the cowbell.”
Her influences include a random list of popular folk, indie, classic rock and pop artists. Her favourite things include getting rowdy and posting silly things in her blog, like “check this shit out . its like a sex cream cone.” and “guyz,ur $moneyyy $moneyy $moneyy$!!” I can't figure out where the hell to put the [sic] on that last one.
I reluctantly recommend Kesha's new weekend party track, “Tick Tock (P. Diddy)”. She's working on her debut album, but in the meantime, she'll also entertain you with her Twitter.
Kesha - Tick Tock (P. Diddy)
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via Pretty Much Amazing
Uffie, is that you?
Not sure whether to hate this or to get drunk enough that it becomes amazing.
I agree with your ex-lover. Total Uffie rip-off, but perhaps alright in an altered state.
what beat is this? It sounds like a video game or a beat i used to like back in the day
Cool song. Im no audiophile, but the quaility was gruesome. And yeah, uffie.
"Tthhee Ppaarrttyy" by Justice and Uffie.
Why is rap these days ripping off all the electro/hipster music? First Crystal Castles in a Timabland song. Now this.
uhhh, it so annoys me that ppl think she sounds like uffie when uffie f*cking raps!
listen to kesha's other stuff, she's better then alotta singers today
<3 KE$HA!!!
oh well fuck it
I'm obsessed with this song and I can't find anywhere to download it! Could someone send me the mp3 or tell me where I could find it?? Thank youuu
this is a crime! Uffie must be furious!
its a total joke!
Ugh. Fuck this trashy girl and her rip off.
To put it simply, Ke$ha is the "Twilight" of the music world.
Btw, if your masochistic enough, you can find the song at mp3rocket.com.
I hope, while attempting to download the song, your computer crashes as a sacrifice begging for forgiveness and pity on your soul, to the actual tallented musical gods of the day. Maybe they'll pity you. Have a great day!
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