South by Southwest's 2009 music festival begins next week Wednesday, and although I (unfortunately) won't be there, I know many of you will be. It's a daunting task to sift through 1,986 artists performing at 88 venues in Austin and decide which ones you can make time for. I'm going to make your planning more troublesome by recommending one SXSW artist each day from now til Saturday, the last night of the festival.
If you're not going to SXSW, it's still business as usual here—one excellent song every day.
Brandon Bethancourt spent an icy winter in Alaska recording music on a laptop in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. After he gathered the help of his friends from Beirut and A Hawk and a Hacksaw, the project came to be known as Alaska in Winter, recently releasing its sophomore Holiday. The opening track “We Are Blind and Riding the Merry-Go-Round” starts with a ukelele but quickly becomes an experiment of dark sweeping synths harmonized with beautifully dismal vocals.
If you like: Beautiful music with a bassline that your chest can hear.
Alaska in Winter - We Are Blind and Riding the Merry-Go-Round Download MP3 or Listen on IMEEM
Alaska in Winter performs Wednesday and Saturday evening.
Buy it:
iTunes North America
iTunes Rest of the world
7digital MP3, UK only
Amazon MP3 US only
Amazon MP3 UK only
Insound CD, international
Norman Records CD, international
CD Universe CD, international
Amazon CD, international
Amazon UK CD, international
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